Saturday, October 17, 2009

Try Dismantling the Little Empire Inside of You

Try Dismantling the Little Empire Inside of You

I do not think I can, would succeed or even want to dismantle the Empire inside of me. I am "held" together by the notions of the Empire! I don't believe it is fear of "loosing it all", for there is nothing to loose, but a genuine "choice", after what I consider sufficient consideration, to remain within the Empire's territory. I truly have not found a more worthy substitutes for the hierarchy of the Empire's system, nor for it's "characters". Call it ambition or alienation, this is where I stand.

My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.