Following my heart! Well, that was what I was doing, until around age twelve, grown-ups convinced me I was not going to be successful using my methods! "Oh!", I then thought, "'s important to be successful to survive on this Planet - I'd better adapt!" So I spent the next 25 years trying to a-d-a-p-t. By then I was 37 years old and had even learnt to do math: 12 + 25 = 37 ! Bingo! Graduated!
"No, no, no! Not enough!", they would always say. "...and stop crying!", they would order.
Now, how can you stop crying, if you are so unhappy? Maybe they can stand the pain, but I don't care to develop that kind of skill.
Then I'd dance things away - surely that would be acceptable."Cute! But can you do something serious now?", they would demand.
I would decorate and embellish things. "...this girl is a problem!"
I had dreams and desires. "'re so full of fantasy: get real!"
Creativity and passion, were signs of being a "drama queen"! They couldn't even see I am an Empress...(ha,ha,ha!)
I abhor complaining, so I'd keep trying new ideas to "fit in", till a huge tumor the size of a HEART grew inside me and had to be removed immediately!!! I'm thinking it turned out to be benign, just because.... Who can explain?!
Now,...well, now I am re-learning to follow my heart all over again. It's so very difficult! I don't blame anyone for not having such courage. I am using my senses as guidance, because I believe that's why we have them. I am looking in the mirror and curiously checking out what is on the other side - pure and natural.
I haven't got the faintest idea what comes next...