Friday, April 30, 2010

Sit, 'cos here comes a story...

The Recess Queen
Mean Jean was the recess queen and nobody said any different. Nobody swung, until Mean Jean swung. Nobody kicked, until Mean Jean kicked. Nobody bounced, until Mean Jean bounced. If kids ever crossed her, she'd push 'em and smoosh 'em, lollapaloosh 'em, hammer 'em, slammer 'em, kitz and kajammer 'em. "Say what?", Mean Jean growled. "Say who?" Mean Jean howled. "Say you! Just who do you think you're talking to?" Mean Jean always got her way. Until one day..... ...a new kid came to school. Katie Sue! A teeny kid. A tiny kid. A kid you might scare with a jump and a "boo!" But when the recess bell went ringity-ring, this kid ran zingity-zing for the playground gate. Katie Sue swung, before Mean Jean swung. Katie Sue kicked, before Mean Jean kicked. Katie Sue bounced, before Mean Jean bounced. The kid you might scare with a jump and a "boo!" was too new to know about Mean Jean, The Recess Queen. Well, Mean Jean bullied through the playground crowd. Like always, she pushed kids and smooshed kids, lollapalooshed kids, hammered 'em, slammered 'em, kitz and kajammered 'em as she charged after Katie Sue. "Say what?", she growled. "Say who?", she howled. "Say you!", she snarled and grabbed Katie sue by the collar. "Nobody swings, until Mean Jean swings. Nobody kicks, until Mean Jean kicks. Nobody bounces until Mean Jean bounces", and she figured that would set the record straight.
She figure wrong. Katie sue talked back! Just as sassy as could be, she said, "How did you get to be so bossy?" Then that puny thing, that loony thing grabbed the ball and bounced away. Oh! Katie Sue was one quick kid. She bolted quick as lightening. Bouncity, bouncity, bounce. Kickity, kickity, kick. Swingity, swingity, swing. mean Jean thundered close behind: bouncity, kickity, swingity. The recess queen was not amused. she raced and chased and in-you-faced that Katie Sue. No one spoke. No one moved. No one breathed. Then, from her pack pulled Katie Sue a jump rope clean and bright. "Hey, Jeanie Beanie", sang Katie Sue. "Let's try this jump rope out!" Here is one thing true: until that day no one dared ask Mean Jean to play. But Katie Sue just hopped and jumped and skipped away. "I like ice-cream, I like tea, I want Jean to jump with me!" Jean just gaped and stared as if too scared to move at all. So Katie Sue sang once more. "I like popcorn, I like tea, I want Jean to jump with me!" Then, from the side a kid called out, "Go, Jean, go!" And too surprised to even shout, Jean jumped in with Katie Sue. "I like cookies, I like tea, I want you to jump with me!" The rope whizzed and slapped, faster, faster, the rope spun and flopped faster, faster! Till it caught in a tangled disaster. But they just giggled and jumped again!
Well, now when recess rolls around that playground is one great place. At the school bell's ringity-ring those girls race zingity-zing out of the classroom door. Jean doesn't push kids and smoosh kids, lollapaloosh kids, hammer 'em, slammer 'em - because she's having too much fun rompity-romping with her friends. Bouncity, kickity, swingity, happily, skippity, jumpity, ringity, zingity, YESSSSSS!

By Alexis O'Neill & Laura Huliska-Beith

undesigning life affords me a sea of yet-undesired desires!



Thursday, April 29, 2010



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Is one pound or one kilo
of the hard, strong , gray alloy of iron with carbon and usually other elements
known as
than it's equivalent
one kilo or one pound in

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Personally finding satisfactory references has been of constant importance throughout my life. I've always tried to equip myself with sufficient emotional and intellectual flexibility to be able to cope with the continuous moves that life has imposed on me. This was something I figured out would make my existence viable, when I was about 5 or 6 years old! Substantiation of occurrences made it possible to keep going...
What happens now, when I find myself having to be prepared to give up this skill, because a larger interest and need arose?!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

amor & amizade

Perguntei a um sábio,
a diferença que havia
entre amor e amizade,
ele me disse essa verdade...
O Amor é mais sensível,
a Amizade mais segura.
O Amor nos dá asas,
a Amizade o chão.
No Amor há mais carinho,
na Amizade, compreensão.
O Amor é plantado
e com carinho cultivado,
a Amizade vem faceira,
e com troca de alegria e tristeza,
a-se uma grande e querida
Mas quando o Amor é sincero
ele vem como um grande amigo,
e quando a Amizade é concreta,
ela é cheia de amor e carinho.
Quando se tem um amigo
ou uma grande paixão,
ambos sentimentos coexistem
dentro do seu coração.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Restless tonight
Cause I wasted the light
Between both these times
I drew a really thin line
Its nothing I planned
And not that I can
But you should be mine
Across that line
If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldnt that be something
I promise I might
Not walk on by
Maybe next time
But not this time
Even though I know
I dont want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds

I just hate how it sounds
I just hate how it sounds

lost in cardinal points

six of half a dozen,
is this my
solstice of the equinox
equinox of the solstice
none of the above
once more

Saturday, April 10, 2010

my paradox

moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving, moving & moving


Friday, April 9, 2010


..a light at the end of a tunnel
can very well be
a train coming
in your direction!

...where there is smoke,
there is fire!

...I'm a "rabbit" in Chinese astrology.

...I was educated in England and know "Peter" quite well!

...I used crayons to draw this picture on a wall.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


VERY FRANKLY speaking (or blogging!),
from the phallic Washington Monument to the whole "attitude" of the capital and the "politically correct" attempt at "behaving" of the people in this totally provincial city, Washington DC must be seen as the most
place on Earth!!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010


"She's beautiful. talented, intelligent and sexy, and therefore to be WOOED!", said the mysterious William Shakespeare at Union Station this afternoon.
She, on the other hand, ate a Godiva bonbon and fell into a deep, deep, cursed sleep.
Only the kiss of a Charming Principe will wake her up now.
(shocking and choking)

My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.