Saturday, August 28, 2010


Ἔρως, "Intimate Love". It makes me wonder what kind of "love" is NOT "intimate"?! Is it a kind of a "partial" love?! Surely the difference the word "intimate" makes is not exclusively reference to "sexual" intimacy!

Eros, iGreek mythology, was the primordial god of sexual love and beauty. He was also worshipped as a fertility deity. His Roman counterpart was Cupid ("desire"), also known as Amor ("love"). In some myths, he was the son of the deities Aphrodite and Ares, but according to Plato's Symposium, he was conceived by Poros (Plenty) and Penia (Poverty) at Aphrodite's birthday. Like Dionysus, he was sometimes referred to as Eleutherios, "the liberator" - this is how Wikipedia tries to explain the origins of....thoughts and philosophy on the subject!

Throughout Greek thought, there appear to be two sides to the conception of Eros. In the first, he is a primeval deity who embodies not only the force of love but also the creative urge of ever-flowing nature, the firstborn Light for the coming into being and ordering of all things in the cosmos. In Hesiod's Theogony, the most famous Greek creation myth, Eros sprang forth from the primordial Chaos together with Gaia, the Earth, and Tartarus, the underworld; according toAristophanes' play The Birds (c. 414 BC), he burgeons forth from an egg laid by Nyx (Night) conceived with Erebus (Darkness). In the Eleusinian Mysteries, he was worshiped as Protogonus, the first-born.

On my altar, my Eros has a broken pedestal....and even my David's head has fallen on a square plate! 

Alternately, later in antiquity, Eros was the son of Aphrodite and either Ares (most commonly), Hermes or Hephaestus, or of Porus and Penia. Rarely, he was given as the son of Iris and Zephyrus; this Eros was an attendant of Aphrodite, harnessing the primordial force of love and directing it into mortals. Worship of Eros was uncommon in early Greece, but eventually became widespread. He was fervently worshiped by a fertility cult in Thespiae, and played an important role in the Eleusinian Mysteries. In Athens, he shared a very popular cult with Aphrodite, and the fourth day of every month was sacred to him.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

...fathers & mothers...

I know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world. But she's just like a maze, where all of the walls are continually changed.
And I've done all I can to stand on her steps with my heart in my hands. Now I'm starting to see maybe it's got nothing to do with me!
Fathers, be good to your daughters - daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers: so mothers, be good to your daughters too...
Oh, you see that skin? It's the same she's been standing in since the day she saw him walking away. Now I'm left cleaning up the mess he made!
So fathers, be good to your daughters - daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers: so mothers, be good to your daughters too...
Boys, you can break. You'll find out how much they can take. Boys will be strong. And boys soldier on. But boys would be gone without the warmth from a womans good, good heart!
On behalf of every man, looking out for every girl; you are the guide and the weight of her world!
So fathers, be good to your daughters - daughters will love like you do. Girls become lovers who turn into mothers; so mothers, be good to your daughters too..

(john mayers' "daughters" song)

Friday, August 20, 2010

...i shall not want

the LORD is my shepherd; i shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
He leadth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul;
He leadth me in the paths of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
i will fear no evil;
for Thou are with me; Thy rod and Thy staff
they comfort me.
Thou preparest  a table before me
in the presence of my enemies; 
Thou anointest my head with oil;
my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
and i will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

lady Go Go

A prece da solução é crer que tudo já está resolvido.Tudo está perfeito na vida e no universo.Aquilo que me faz viver, aquilo que põe vontades em mim: a fonte da vida, quando aparece em mim, é porque ela tem, no universo todo, soluções para mim.Eu acredito nas soluções.Acredito em todas as saídas.Acredito em toda modificação.Acredito, de coração, que tudo se renova, tudo recomeça, tudo avança, tudo progride, tudo renasce, tudo reforma.Acredito na imensa generosidade do universo para comigo e para com todos.Eu abro, nesse instante, as portas da confiança do meu coração à generosidade da vida.Ao abrir as portas a luz me aquece e a confiança brota.O resto é ilusão.Tudo vem a mim na medida certa das minhas atitudes e a minha atitude agora é de fartura.Abro minhas mãos como quem solta o que prende.Solto o passado que não me serve e o futuro ausente.Abro minhas mãos para receber, mas abro minhas mãos para deixar ser.Abro minha mente para ouvir, meu coração para sentir, meu colo para receber.Liberto minhas pernas para caminhar, minha garganta para expressar, meus olhos para ver, meus ouvidos para escutar.Liberto minhas costas para não precisar carregar.Liberto-me do mundo para não me escravizar.Largo esse mundo para dominá-lo.Não pergunto para entendê-lo.Não chamo para alcançá-lo.Meu silêncio é a confiança que tudo é solução.Nos meus planos, eu não penso.No amanhã, eu não penso.O Universo é o grande pastor de toda ovelha porque Deus aos homens se assemelha e cria neles a chance, o recomeço e a renovação.Nada falta para nenhum filho.O Eterno Pai concede tudo na medida de cada um.E a minha medida agora é a generosidade com que perdoo o inimigo: o indivíduo que passou por mim e mostrou as minhas intolerâncias, as minhas limitações.Liberto os outros do meu julgamento, os críticos do meu lamento, os agressores do meu sofrimento.Liberto-me dos olhos dos outros, da boca alheia, do parco das mentiras, para ficar na minha verdade interior.Não sou como todos e não preciso ser.A vida que é para os outros não tem de necessariamente ser a minha.Eu não tenho medo.Quero dizer bem claro ao Universo que eu não tenho medo de ser único, de ser muito feliz na Terra, de ser muito rico na Terra, de viver na chuva de bençãos constantes.Não tenho medo de ser aquele que não tem medo.Não tenho problema de ser aquele que não tem problema.Não tenho vergonha de ser aquele que não tem vergonha.Não tenho pudor de ser aquele que não tem pudor.Assim, me permito viver na Eterna Benção do fluxo constante das portas que eu mesmo abro, sabendo que Deus só faz por mim quando em mim eu planto Deus: a consciência do bem, a consciência do melhor.Todos os canais para a solução estão abertos porque, na verdade, nunca se fecharam, não há problemas.Tudo está certo.Está certo este momento, esta prece.Está certo o que eu como, o que eu falo, o que eu vivo.Tudo é benção na minha vida.Eu aceito esta benção como o filho pródigo escolhido recebendo  a sua recompensa.Aceito a vida no que há de dor e no que há de sabor.Aceito a vida com ou sem amor.Aceito a vida pelo Dom que ela é.No que é simpático e antipático.No que é prazer e no que não é.Aceito a vida inteira porque vejo nela a benção em todos os sentidos.O que me falta me ensina aquilo que não tenho.E o que eu tenho me ensina o que é ter as coisas.Tudo me eleva, tudo se mostra, tudo me reconhece, tudo me mostra a mim mesmo e tudo me eleva.Eu estou em paz.Só o Bem é Real, só o Bem é Verdade.Estou em paz.Neste gesto, em que abro meus braços na fraternidade e comungo com o Universo de benção e de bem.Neste momento, é o que mais me convém.Tudo é assim porque assim está, porque este é o ponto onde moro, o Universo onde me encontro na atitude que tomo.A bondade imensa da vida me concedeu a liberdade de criar o mundo que eu quiser e de me colocar onde eu bem entender.Neste instante eu me coloco no terreno da paz, da confiança plena, na certeza que tudo o quero, que tudo o que eu tenho, que todo querer é já poder, é já ter.E na calma desta confiança eu reforço todo o bem daquilo que está porque tudo já está.E tudo está aparecendo na consciência pouco a pouco.Nesta paz, que eu fico, eu vou transformar esta prece de solução num gesto contínuo na minha vida.Eu vou viver só no aqui e no agora, sem pensar que existe hora porque o Universo não tem tempo e porque a vida é sempre o que eu só posso sentir.A vida toda é só essa daqui: aquela que eu sinto agora.Agora é eterno, pleno e real.Por isso eu sou eterno, pleno e real.Porque eu sou aquele que está além do tempo.Porque eu sou a conciência viva do próprio Universo.
(por Calunga)

Monday, August 16, 2010


if i should die before i wake
iz 'cos u took my breath away
losing u is like living in a world with no air
i'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
my heart won't move, iz incomplete
wish there was a way that i can make u understand.
so how do u expect me
to live alone with just me?
'cos my world revolves around u
iz so hard for me 2 breathe.
tell me how i'm supposed 2 breathe with no air?
can't live, can't breathe with no air!
...iz how i feel whenever you ain't there
iz no air, no air
got me out here in the water so deep
tell me how u gonna be without me
if you ain't here, i just can't breathe!
iz no air, no air
no air, air, no air, air, no air, air, no air, air
i walked, i ran, i jumped, i flew
right off the ground 2 float 2 u
there's no gravity to hold me down for real
but somehow i'm still alive inside
u took my breath, but i survived
i don't know how, but i don't even care

Friday, August 13, 2010

"CIVILIZATION", going down! AND "missing the train"!...

This morning, as early as 7am, inhabitants of a real upper class neighborhood in the Washington DC metropolitan area  were already being tested on both their "respect-each-other" skills and their "belly-button" attitude!
The escalator of the local Metro station was "off" for going down. Users were forced to walk it down. The scenario is a fast-pace, dark, narrow, extremely long and steep set of stairs, where a person is being rushed to make it down the tube!
Metro commuting etiquette require people wishing to stand still on moving escalators to remain on the right side of the stairs, allowing free pass on the left for those who wish to keep moving.
Distributors of two free daily newspapers cheerfully greet "good morning" and advise everyone about the broken escalator. Come freezing winter or melting summer, these men working with the public seem to be the only "alive" people in the whole system!
Today there were two individuals having obvious serious difficulty going down. One was physically limping and the other had an insecure elderly balance. Both were clearly unsure of their movements, needing to hold both sides of the hand rail and moving slower than the morning crowd.
One particular being, concerned that the scene was robbing them of probably a total of 15 seconds maximum, began yelling to give pass! With a body-barricade, the person immediately behind the individuals patiently held and blocked the crowd, saying that they were going to have to "hold their horses"! And then added that there could be no real hurry, if we were all only destined to die at the end of life anyway!
The ability for "tunnel vision" that also brings much success to more aggressive and focused beings, is not necessarily a rude or unaware characteristic of their behavior. It just often makes them simply alienated and the ones who remain silent, suffer the consequences...
Be kinder than necessary.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

...but, consider options!

What am I to do, when I am called "adorable", "sweet", "cute", "child" by a man I wish to "attract" as a "full" "desirable" "woman"?
I mean, I can understand that he is self-conscious of our age gap. But neither of us appears to be our real age anyway!
I assume he is suspicious of my assertive motives. But our aim should be dialogue to check where each really stands!
I guess he is scared due to past negative experiences. But he is no longer there and I left mine too!
I think he fears cultural differences. But diversity adds interest!
I see that he is defensive. But an adorable, sweet, cute child can do no harm and can be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Alighiero Boetti (EMBROIDERY!)

The key art exhibition which took place between 1960-1969 was called "Arte Povera e IM Spazio". It took place in Genoa, Italy, in September 1967, when I was three, almost four years old.  Arte Povera was less about a style than a process of ongoing and open-ended research that challenged the settled order within art after minimalism, and which valued process over production. The work of this phase shared a concentration on commonly available materials such as newspaper, wood, stone, sand, and a reaction to technology and the distortion the artists perceived in postwar consumerism. Charactirized by an attempt at reconnecting with naturalness, they combined a material's metaphorical potential in the way of making art. I relate very much to these ideas in the way I create my collages...! It all alludes to contemporary chaos.

Monday, August 2, 2010

too much noise

it requires wisdom to understand wisdom:
the music is nothing
if the audience is deaf

My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.