Saturday, March 19, 2011

man I

My alter-ego today,the IDOL, wants the Big Deal! With Super Power to vindicate claims, it demands noble VICTORY by competition. Impressing pride, displays of all kinds and personal feelings don't hurt my game. At the top one must rise to the occasion with a leading edge, even though progress waits on a "pause for applause" to set stakes, the stage, or a vehicle to hold endorsement. Ambiguity is called out as a lame maneuver, so vainglorious stunts go nowhere fast and must be conquered to perform and make the grade at this level. So I propose a toast to living large and to meeting a new charge: giving props to a blueprint or back-story that hits the spot on my ambition's ego trip. It's my competence and valor in the dream that motivates fanfare, captures the castle, AND paves the parade path to glory! It is also what earned me my first stars and stripes on this track! Today, I rock, so bring it on! Narrow the field by heroic commitment and tribute on the proving ground. Detour, lose recruits and drag to halt with idle boasts, and trespass. The empire strikes back. Take a seat, a bow, stand accordingly.

(art by Ghadah Alkandari)

My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.