Friday, October 9, 2009

New. Now.

Unconditional love in our communications is how we can penetrate the soul of another, and awaken love in return. Make no mistake: if there is a hidden agenda in the love we are offering, then it is merely one ego communicating to another!

When current tethers set you free by unusual channels, make sure all commitments are resolved, and after invalid links are disabled, all restrictions will be lifted.

Trusted alliances rescind permission.

Alienated heroes on the fringe succumb to patterns of self-inflicted punishments and self-justifying finger-pointing to alleviate the burden of responsibility, but all they are really doing is being vague about their sense of powerless humiliation.

Plugs are pulled on failed systems and violations exposed, and thus nothing conventionally imposed will threaten to crumple the order of things to come.

Okay, so we think we know the stuff?

It is all being put to test on the stage which has been set, so someone must be in command! Taking into consideration the greater forces which are at work and the unwritten rules of engagement that must be contended with, do not rush or jump to conclusions.

Simply deliver and graduate!

It will arrive, be prepared. It will be an official second chance - as in standing on ceremony before those who have the power to judge requests and grant access to that which is desired.

The plan is a mix of defiant confidence and respectful deference for the process. Ritual instructions and protocols must be followed. Success will be supreme.

My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.