COMPLETION RITUAL FOR 2009! (by Mondo Beyondo)
1)What do you want to acknowledge yourself for in regard to 2009?That I'm a tough-cookie with a kind and generous heart, who can be extremely persistent and finally is learning to enjoy life. What did you create? An environment, often concrete, but sometimes imaginary, where I can always feel safe in! What challenges did you face with courage and strength? Learning to say "no, thank you" because it was the correct thing to do, even though there were no other options at the time to hold on to. What promises did you keep to yourself? To be gentle with myself. To be patient with myself. To reward myself fairly. To say I LOVE YOU out loud to whom ever, every single time I felt it. What brave choices did you make? ALL the choices I made were brave, because I felt so scared to be making them. What are you proud of? I am proud of not having given up on ART. I am extremely proud of anything to do with my son.
2) What is there to grieve about 2009? My father not speaking to me, and I don't know why. The death of a Polish woman I knew, who was a remarkable example to me on how to handle life's dramas. What was disappointing? Some people of my acquaintance, who are not capable of connecting - and there are several of those people! What was scary? Having a woman coming onto me sexually. What was hard? Having to pack my belongings and move to a new place for the "n"th time!!! What can you forgive yourself for? Having an affair with a married man.
3)What else do you need to say about the year 2009, to declare it complete? A BLUE bird flew into my life - and I hope it is to stay for ever!
4) 2010 is my year of...getting happily married.