Friday, January 8, 2010

two of cups

(obs. i might have already posted these words by Cora Coralina here before, but they are so pertinent, it makes sense doing it again...)


Não sei se a vida é curta ou longa demais para nós.
Mas sei que nada do que vivemos tem sentido,
Se não tocamos o coração das pessoas.
Muitas vezes basta ser:
Colo que acolhe,
Braço que envolve,
Palavra que conforta,
Silêncio que respeita,
Alegria que contagia,
Lágrima que corre,
Olhar que acaricia,
Desejo que sacia,
Amor que promove.
E isso não é coisa de outro mundo.
É o que dá sentido à vida.
É o que faz com que ela não seja nem curta, nem longa demais.
Mas que seja intensa, verdadeira e pura,
Enquanto durar.


I don't know if we should consider life too short or too long.
But I do know that nothing we do in life has any meaning,
If we do not touch people's heart.
Many times it is enough to be:
The lap that holds,
Arms that envelope,
Words that comfort,
Silence that respects,
Happiness that is contagious,
Tears that flow,
The look that caresses,
Desire that satisfies,
Love that promotes.
And none of these are things from out of this world.
They are the things that give life significance.
And they make life neither too short, nor too long.
They make life intense, real, pure,
For as long as it lasts.

My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.