Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Fool

Ask yourself: When did attachments, habits, and over-thinking spoil the freedom by their good intentions and allowed insecurity to gain a foothold? (...ALWAYS!) When did "knowing better" become a cynical substitute for dashed hopes? (...always!)
Take a tip from those who dare to be different, yourself included! they trust their own feet and seem blissfully oblivious to revealing their quirky human frailties.
and in this case, don't try so hard or look too deep, but use it all as an inspiration to lighten up, because trusting your instincts again and setting a hopeful example has never been dependent on something "out there" -- it's always been up to you.


For years there is this little voice inside me, which keeps telling to draw...

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Personal appeals to the machine or allegations against the system fall on compassionate but deaf ears. The creature's just too big to attend to individual programs -- it's the nature of the beast. And here's where controversy or potential for corruption, guilt, and abuse of power can get a foothold. So beware how you call upon the order to dispense reward and punishment, or use your specialized access for self-righteously withholding permissions -- because you're about to take on a matter which, by conventional wisdom, has instilled in its very network a medal of sacred trust.
Let your conscience be your guide to a second chance. You need to find out the truth for yourself even if they don't see it. Because they'll never know the suffering -- the hoping-against-hope for some long-lost empty promise to come back in-tact; the precious time wasted in attempts at setting your soul free only to remain caged -- a foolish prisoner moving like a ghost; a lawn-jockey blinded by its own light. Yet it's up to you to inquire -- to give meaning and virtue to the loss, or let it go gracefully, then come up with another bright idea to trade the old dreams for new.

Thursday, October 22, 2009



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ask Martha!


virtue compassion knowledge joy fortune excellence benevolence success inspiration longevity creativity esteem greatness brilliance abundance magic glee prosperity resourcefulness relaxation laugh uniqueness accomplishment intelligence patience harmony energy gratification righteousness luck individuality thoughtfulness achievement satisfaction fun sensitivity wealth diplomacy triumph unity dream generosity peace jubilation adventure bliss modesty ambition originality artistry balance wisdom enjoyment passion beauty clarity sincerity bravery warmth
imagination glory calm truth enchantment stability candor health charm vigor strength cheerfulness fascination grace integrity kindness victory comfort faith innovation contentment confidence tranquility happiness altruism wish serenity courage loyalty inventive humor perseverance hope distinction honor curiosity romance delight vision devotion purity love

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Guárdate la poesía...
¡Guárdate la alegría pa'ti!


A process of enquiry tends to lead to resourcefulness, because through connecting and getting involved, one begins to know. And even understand. Knowing is relational, animated by the desire to come into deeper community with what one knows. Involvement can never be considered primitive, unreliable or dangerous. Ignorance is dangerous! It is limiting to deride intuition as irrational, to dismiss true and real feelings as sentimentality, to see imagination as chaotic and unruly and conclude that storytelling should be plainly labelled as personal and pointless.

...some "rocks" are not from my "rio"...

Monday, October 19, 2009


Day after day up there beating my wings
with all the softness truth requires.
I feel them shrug whenever I pause:
they class my voice among tentative things.

And they credit fact, force, battering.
I dance my way toward the family of knowing,
embracing stray error as a long-lost boy
and bringing him home with my fluttering.

Every quick feather asserts a just claim;
it bits like a saw into white pine.
I communicate right; but explain to the dean -
well, Right has a long and intricate name.

And the saying of it is a lonely thing.
William Stafford

Sunday, October 18, 2009


"I used to wait for a sign", she said, "before I did anything!"...
..."Then one night I had a dream, and an angel in black tights came to me: you can start anytime now. And then I asked: "Is this a sign?!", and the angel started laughing and I woke up!!!
Now, I think the whole world is filled with signs, but if there is no laughter, I know they are not for me.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Try Dismantling the Little Empire Inside of You

Try Dismantling the Little Empire Inside of You

I do not think I can, would succeed or even want to dismantle the Empire inside of me. I am "held" together by the notions of the Empire! I don't believe it is fear of "loosing it all", for there is nothing to loose, but a genuine "choice", after what I consider sufficient consideration, to remain within the Empire's territory. I truly have not found a more worthy substitutes for the hierarchy of the Empire's system, nor for it's "characters". Call it ambition or alienation, this is where I stand.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mrs. Washington

George Washington only left American soil once in his entire life: he went to Barbados!

It was reported that Mrs. Washington had commented that the General "slept here, slept there, slept everywhere" and then she added the following question: "Why don't you sleep at home for a change?"

For a man like him, it would be most disconcerting to live in our modern present days...

Can a great spirit of a past existence "go home to get the answers" which are most necessary? How does a stubborn soul "get inspired" ? Will the dark suffering experienced polarize the balancing light result?

Women have a "wide-angle" view of life, whereas men view things with an "objective result-driven" perspective. For harmony, they must work as a team.

So, it is probably wise and correct to conclude that we must all be ready to "fly our freak flags" always, and if we are not understood, then we should simply move on...


On a material level, the only certainty there is in this life is "change".

Friday, October 9, 2009


You yell way too much!
But I am smart enough to read between the noise...

unconditional LOVE for ART

If I love you with all my heart, she said, what will you give me?
& then she stopped & said I didn't have to answer that, because she was going to do it anyway.
Brian Andreas

Starting up a brand new day!

Tower tarot card meanings

I'm the present to your future
You're the wound and I'm the suture
You're the magnet to my pole
I'm the devil in your soul
You're the pupil I'm the teacher
You're the church and I'm the preacher
You're the flower I'm the rain
You're the tunnel I'm the train

Stand up all you lovers in the world
Stand up and be counted every boy and every girl
Stand up all you lovers in the world
Starting up a brand new day

You're the crop to my rotation
You're the sum of my equation
I'm the answer to your question
If you follow my suggestion
We can turn this ship around
We'll go up instead of down
You're the pan and I'm the handle
You're the flame and I'm the candle


Remember the good sensations of your early age, when your world was full of wonder and possibility and a belief in love. Being wise with age means not ignoring that this is the essence of happiness! It was when you were feeling strong and willing to follow wherever your heart would sing, that your life felt right. This is the scenario you need to recreate now again.

Let there be PEACE

This isn't about skill but you could come to feel like a target of assumptions or snap judgments; as though being maneuvered by meddling insecurities or jealousies which come out like clockwork in response to differing abilities or perceived entitlement. Don't let it throw you or all bets will be off and it could get crazy. When the game is up you could be tempted to settle for being a "victim" of "fate" but realize too that this could be a destiny dependent on an impulsive roll-of-the-dice that returns as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You "deserve" to go for it. But don't say you weren't warned about the potential for foolishness or unpredictable mayhem.

Being labeled a traitor to the clique but still sticking to the deal is an act of faith or labor of love, a testament to an underdog effort to salvage honor and redeem hope out of the glorious wreckage of abandoned creation that has also come to define your own descent or mismatched alliance. So hang in there.

New. Now.

Unconditional love in our communications is how we can penetrate the soul of another, and awaken love in return. Make no mistake: if there is a hidden agenda in the love we are offering, then it is merely one ego communicating to another!

When current tethers set you free by unusual channels, make sure all commitments are resolved, and after invalid links are disabled, all restrictions will be lifted.

Trusted alliances rescind permission.

Alienated heroes on the fringe succumb to patterns of self-inflicted punishments and self-justifying finger-pointing to alleviate the burden of responsibility, but all they are really doing is being vague about their sense of powerless humiliation.

Plugs are pulled on failed systems and violations exposed, and thus nothing conventionally imposed will threaten to crumple the order of things to come.

Okay, so we think we know the stuff?

It is all being put to test on the stage which has been set, so someone must be in command! Taking into consideration the greater forces which are at work and the unwritten rules of engagement that must be contended with, do not rush or jump to conclusions.

Simply deliver and graduate!

It will arrive, be prepared. It will be an official second chance - as in standing on ceremony before those who have the power to judge requests and grant access to that which is desired.

The plan is a mix of defiant confidence and respectful deference for the process. Ritual instructions and protocols must be followed. Success will be supreme.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

After 20 months...

...and seven attempts, all I want is to live with happiness. That is why I love with strength. And always try to give with good intention. The rest is not up to me - and it's better that it is so! I don't think I'd make a good God.
My power lies in passion. Pursuing and expressing my hearts desire honors love, passion and beauty. These are things worth investing on, waiting, courting or crusading for. Whatever I may lack in external means, qualification or ability, I make up for with my true and dedicated heart. I am not a victim, therefore I do not need to be rescued. I just wish for "goodness" and this empowers me with patience and self-validation, making my gift be emotional availability and devotion in all my dealings.
Wed. June 24th, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009



My blog is about

My photo
...the feelings in her heART, erstwhile experienced on Planet Earth!
Here, the images and choice of words are an introspective conversation, full of parallel significance and without compromises.